The FLOATECH consortium is coordinated by the Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and brings together 9 partners from 4 countries. The consortium partners have been selected and integrated on the basis of their specific know-how, experience, track record by which they form the frontier in technology and scientific excellence in the wind energy sector.

Technische Universität Berlin
Higher Education Institution
With around 35000 students and 40 Institutes the TUB is one of Germany’s largest and most internationally renowned technical universities.
TU Berlin will participate at FLOATECH through the team of the Chair of Fluid Dynamics, which has an outstanding reputation in the fields of fluid mechanics, turbulent flows, wind energy and combustion.
As the coordinator of FLOATECH, TUB is involved in all work packages with particular focus on the development of QBlade- Ocean (WP1), quantification of uncertainty reduction (WP2), active wake control (WP4) and the project coordination (WP7).

Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Higher Education Institution
Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) is one of the top 10 French universities of technology (Grande Ecole d’ingénieurs). Research at ECN is organized around 11 main topics, including marine engineering and marine renewable energy systems (Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique, d’Energétique et d’Environnement Atmosphérique - LHEEA).
ECN is leader of WP3 on Feed forward wave-based control. It will complementary be leader of the following tasks:
T1.3 Higher order wave interaction forces
T1.4 Second-order hydrodynamic loads
T3.3 Experimental wave tank testing and validation
T3.4 Experimental offshore testing and validation.
ECN will also provide the experimental data used for the validation work planned in T2.1.2

Technische Universiteit Delft
Higher Education Institution
The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology (DUT) is the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands, with over 13,000 students and 2,100 staff scientists. The Delft Center for Systems Controls (DCSC) coordinates the education and research activities in systems and control at TU Delft.
TUDelft is one of the core technical partners in FLOATECH project, taking lead in the controller synthesis and several validation aspects. Other tasks include system modeling, system interfacing, project management, and dissemination.

Università degli Studi di Firenze
Higher Education Institution
Università degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI) is one of the most prestigious universities in Italy, representing
an important and influential center for research and higher training.
Unifi will participate to FLOATECH through research staff from the Department of Industrial Engineering
(DIEF), which is one of the largest departments at UNIFI facing all the academic and research activities in
the field of Mechanical and Energy Engineering.
UNIFI will lead WP2 dedicated to the evaluation of uncertainty reduction achievable with QBlade-Ocean
in comparison to state-of-the-art BEM approaches and commercial tools.
UNIFI will also participate in WP5 and WP6, with particular focus on Data Management and scientific

Non profit SME
SEAPOWER is a non-profit consortium of applied research, with the University of Naples “Federico II” founded with the aim of developing systems for spreading the distributed generation of renewable energy from fluid sources. It employs highly qualified researchers who develop projects in the field of renewable energy with a particular focus on the energy from the sea and from the wind.
SEAPOWER will lead WP5 developing a cost model for offshore wind turbines to estimate the effect of innovative control techniques on LCOE and will also investigate the market value impacts of technologies developed in the project.
SEAPOWER will also participate in WP2 (Performing numerical analyses using OpenFast), WP3 (Specifications of the experimental setup and data analysis, relative to FOWT test), WP4 (Design of a novel floater and a teeter hinge for a FOWT compliant) and WP6 (communication).

Saipem SA
Large company
Saipem SA (the French subsidiary of the Italian company Saipem SpA) hosts the head of the Offshore division. Within the Offshore division sits the Offshore Engineering Branch providing technical support for the Offshore Renewables Business Line.
Saipem SA will contribute to WP5 for Verification QBlade-Ocean against DeepLines Wind on the Hexafloat geometry and the Quantification of uncertainty reduction through the application of higher order simulation tools. Saipem will also participate in WP5 for the LCOE improvement estimation of AWC controlled floating wind turbines.

BW Ideol has emerged as one of the few international leaders in floating wind, with two demonstrators built in France and in Japan (two key markets), relying on its unique and patented floater “damping pool” technology designed to be the most cost competitive solution in the market. Its multidisciplinary team of engineers is globally recognized as one of the best technical team with a unique know-how and highly innovative approach.
BW Ideol will be mainly involved in the experimental offshore testing and validation (WP3). In particular, it will be responsible for installing a wave prediction system, including a X-band radar, on Floatgen in order to capture the evolution of wave field surrounding the FWT. It will also supervise operations and collect onsite data over the course of the project.

Next Ocean
The Netherlands
Next Ocean is a privately hold SME that spun off from research at Delft University of Technology.
Next Ocean will provide the technology to obtain a short-term prediction of the approaching waves and surface current during the field tests involved with WP3. A short-term prediction of the incoming waves is the main input required for the active motion control to be developed in WP3 and its validation in the real ocean environment.

Euronovia is a French consulting company, created in 2014, and specialized in the development of EU funded projects and their related communication and dissemination activities. Euronovia has a strong expertise in low maturity research projects as well as in SME’s innovation projects’ management.
Euronovia will be the leader of the WP6 related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. This includes the drafting of dissemination strategies, the development of dissemination materials (websites, logos, posters, flyers, etc), the monitoring of the dissemination plan, the organization of project related events, etc. In the WP6, Euronovia will also support actions for the Data Management Plan (DMP) and open access procedures.