The FLOATECH project is ending on December 2023. To mark the end of this remarkable project, a Final Infoday was organised to present the project key outcomes and to explain the innovative technologies for the Floating Offshore Wind sector.
On Friday, 1 December, most of the consortium members met in Berlin, at the Technische Universität Berlin. The event was open to public and broadcasted on YouTube! During the first part of the day, our experts discussed some great topics such as the development of software, notably the QBlade-Ocean technology, and FOWT control strategies. As a major result, our experts explained how this project is helping to reduce the levelized cost of energy.

The second part of the day was dedicated to a panel session. More than 30 participants attended the event on site and were glad to assist to an enriching discussion regarding the Future of Floating Offshore Wind. Lizet Ramirez from WindEurope was invited to animate the discussion between:
• Andreas Walstad Freelance journalist specialized on renewable energy
• Guilherme Vaz, CEO of Blue Oasis
• Athanasios Kolios, President of the EAWE
• Alessandro Bianchini from WindEurope and assistant professor at Unifi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
• Navid Nayeri, coordinator of the FLOATECH project and research associate at TU Berlin

You can find the entire broadcast of the event here : FINAL INFO DAY - FLOATECH PROJECT - YouTube
Once again, thanks to the organisers, Technische Universität Berlin for their warm welcome, as well as the eight other partners of the project, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, TU Delft, Università degli Studi di Firenze, SEAPOWER, Saipem SA, BW IDEOL, Next Ocean and Euronovia!