Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) will present the FLOATECH project at Fête de la Science, the french science fair, in Nantes on the 8th of October during the afternoon.
Since 2018, the offshore test site of ECN hosts the first floating offshore wind turbine in France, FLOATGEN. ECN will explain what a floating wind turbine is and how it is developed. On the program: discover the different types of floats with the workshop: "Will it float or not?" ("Ça va flotter ou pas ?"), an exhibition on the theme and many images at sea of the research activities within the Laboratory of Hydrodynamics and Atmospheric Environment.
On this occasion, the FLOATECH project will be presented alongside the FLOAWER project (MSCA-ITN) and the VAMOS project. The floating wind turbine technologies will be presented to a wide audience through these three projects.
Interested? Join this workshop that will take place at the ECN facilities (Bat D - 1st floor) on the Saturday 8th of October from 2PM to 6PM.
