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First successful FLOATECH training on QBlade Ocean!

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

In order to ensure that the project partners have the material and experience necessary to generate simulations within the QBlade simuilation software developed within FLOATECH, the team from TU Berlin organised an online training that was held over 3 days, from the 22nd to the 24th of June 2022.

In addition to participants from within the FLOATECH project, early stage researchers (ESR) from the FLOAWER project and individuals active within industry were also invited to the training, in order to improve the uptake of the software.

A combination of presentation material and practical exercises was used to provide the users with practical experience applying the software. Prior to the workshop, a range of material was distributed to the workshop participants, including a preliminary version of the code which is very nearly identical to the QBlade release version.

While the source code will be available soon on the QBlade website, the QBlade user guide is already available online.

Further events, for both academic and industrial users, are planned in the near future in order to further expand QBlade’s public distribution and application.

For any enquiries, don't hesitate to contact us!


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