On the 13th of September 2022, Francesco Papi from the Università degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI) presented research results found as part of FLOATECH.
He made a presentation that will lead to a soon-to-be-published article untitled "Derivation of Met-Ocean Conditions for the Simulation of Floating Wind Turbines: a European case study" alongside Yves Perignon (ECN) and Alessandro Bianchini (UNIFI).
They developed an opensource procedure to obtain the met-ocean conditions for Floating Offshore Wind (FOWT) simulation using reanalysis data from Copernicus ECMWF. The procedure was applied to an EU offshore installation site and the results are included in the FLOATECH project.
The data are openly accessible at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6972015