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FLOATECH training on QBlade Ocean

Updated: May 20, 2022

The development of the QBlade Ocean simulation tool for the design and analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines delivers to the public design and research space a tool with as-yet unseen aerodynamic and hydrodynamic fidelity necessary for greater understanding of underlying physical processes and interactions which occur on FOWT. This significantly raises the state of the art and provides a open source tool to the public domain. This has a range of far-reaching applications not only to complete turbine design, but also to turbine element and module technology for other projects with limited access to higher order methods.

In order to train partners and users of this tool, TUB is organising an online QBlade Ocean Project partner training aimed at giving QBlade Ocean users a comprehensive overview of the software. Taking place on 22-24 June 2022, the online workshop will consist not only of members within the FLOATECH project, but also external early-stage researchers from the Horizon 2020 project FLOAWER.

Upon completion of the course users will be capable of generating and editing onshore and offshore wind turbine models in QBlade Ocean, customizing and running both steady and time-domain simulations and analysing, importing and exporting important results.


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